Tomatillo: A Fresh Sour Sensation from Mexico that is Rich in Benefits

Dede Suryono


Image Of Tomatillos Fruits
Image Of Tomatillos Fruits

Tomatillo Overview

About Tomatillo Fruit

   Tomatillo, also known as "mexica tomatillo" or "tomate verde" in Spanish, is a small green fruit native to Latin America, especially Mexico. Tomatillos botanically belong to the genus Physalis, which belongs to the same Solanaceae family as tomatoes and eggplants. The botanical name of the tomatillo is Physalis philadelphica, and it historically grew wild in Mexico before being cultivated.

Difference between Tomatillo and Goldenberry (Physalis angulata L.).

   Although tomatillos and ciplukans share physical similarities with small green fruits covered in flower petals, they have significant differences. Tomatillos are usually larger than ciplukan and have a fresher, slightly sour taste. Additionally, tomatillos are often used in Mexican cuisine, while ciplukan are less commonly used and are more often found in their natural habitat in Central America and South America.

Popularity of Tomatillos

   Tomatillos are an important component in many Mexican and Latin American dishes. They are often used to make salsa verde, a fresh and flavorful green sauce that is the perfect accompaniment to dishes like enchiladas, tamales, and tacos. The unique fresh and slightly sour taste of tomatillos has made them popular in many parts of the world, especially in the United States where Mexican cuisine is very popular. Tomatillos are also starting to gain attention outside Latin America as part of a movement to incorporate more international ingredients into everyday cooking.

Tomatillo Nutrient, Benefits and Effects Consumtion

Illustration People research benefits Tomatillos in Laboratory
Illustration People research benefits Tomatillos in Laboratory

Tomatillo Nutrient

  • Water : 91.6 g
  • Energy : 32 kcal / 133 kJ
  • Energy : 133 kJ
  • Protein : 0.96 g
  • Carbohydrate, by difference : 5.84 g
  • Total lipid (fat) : 1.02 g
  • Ash : 0.55 g
  • Fiber, total dietary : 1.9 g
  • Total Sugars : 3.93 g
  • Vitamin A, RAE : 6 µg
  • Vitamin A, IU : 114 IU
  • Vitamin B-6 : 0.056 mg
  • Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid : 11.7 mg
  • Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) : 0.38 mg
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone) : 10.1 µg
  • Calcium, Ca : 7 mg
  • Iron, Fe : 0.62 mg
  • Magnesium, Mg : 20 mg
  • Phosphorus, P : 39 mg
  • Potassium, K : 268 mg
  • Sodium, Na : 1 mg
  • Zinc, Zn : 0.22 mg
  • Copper, Cu : 0.079 mg
  • Manganese, Mn : 0.153 mg
  • Selenium, Se : 0.5 µg
  • Thiamin : 0.044 mg
  • Riboflavin : 0.035 mg
  • Niacin : 1.85 mg
  • Pantothenic acid : 0.15 mg
  • Folate, total : 7 µg
  • Choline, total : 7.6 mg
  • Carotene, beta : 63 µg
  • Carotene, alpha : 10 µg
  • Lutein + zeaxanthin : 467 µg
  • Fatty acids, total saturated : 0.139 g
  • SFA 16:0 : 0.102 g
  • SFA 18:0 : 0.04 g
  • Fatty acids, total monounsaturated : 0.155 g
  • MUFA 16:1 : 0.006 g
  • MUFA 18:1 : 0.152 g
  • Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated : 0.417 g
  • PUFA 18:2 : 0.402 g
  • PUFA 18:3 : 0.016 g

Nutrition Source :

Benefits of Tomatillo Fruit for Our Body's Health

Tomatillo fruit not only adds a fresh and unique flavor to dishes, but also has a number of significant health benefits. Here are some of the benefits of tomatillos for our bodies:

  • 1. High Antioxidant Content: Tomatillos contain antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and flavonoids, which help fight cell damage caused by free radicals. These antioxidants can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
  • 2. Maintains Eye Health: The vitamin A content in tomatillos is important for eye health. Vitamin A helps maintain good vision, prevents eye problems such as night blindness, and keeps the corneas healthy.
  • 3. Supports the Immune System: The vitamin C in tomatillos is known for its role in improving the immune system. Consuming tomatillos can help the body fight infections, maintain healthy skin, and speed up wound healing.
  • 4. Maintains healthy skin: The vitamin C content in tomatillos is also beneficial for healthy skin. Vitamin C helps produce collagen, which is important for keeping skin supple and preventing premature aging and wrinkles.
  • 5. Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease: The fiber content in tomatillos helps lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • 6. Provides Important Nutrients: Tomatillos contain a number of other important nutrients such as vitamin K, potassium, and folate. Vitamin K is important for healthy blood clotting, potassium for maintaining normal blood pressure, and folate for supporting healthy cell growth.

Effects Consumtion Of Tomatillo

People With Special Conditions

Individuals with certain conditions may need to consider avoiding or limiting the consumption of tomatillo fruit in their diet. Here are some related conditions and considerations:

  • 1. Allergy or Intolerance: Individuals who have allergies to fruits in the Solanaceae family, such as tomatoes, eggplant, or chilies, may also be allergic to tomatillos. They need to avoid tomatillos or check with a doctor before consuming them.
  • 2. Gastric Disorders or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Tomatillos have quite high levels of acidity, which can worsen the symptoms of GERD or other stomach disorders in some individuals. Those with these conditions may need to limit or avoid consuming tomatillos.
  • 3. Risk of Kidney Stones: For those who have a history of forming kidney stones or are at high risk of forming them, consumption of fruits high in oxalate, such as tomatillos, should be reduced. Oxalates can help form kidney stones in some individuals.
  • 4. Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis: People with inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's or ulcerative colitis may have sensitivities to certain foods, including tomatillos. Some people with this condition may find that tomatillos worsen their symptoms, and they need to limit their consumption.

Consuming Tomatillos in Excess

The effects of consuming excessive tomatoes also need to be considered:

  • 1. Gastric Irritation: Consuming large amounts of tomatillos or excessively can cause stomach irritation in some people, especially those who have stomach problems or GERD.
  • 2. Digestive Disorders: Fruits that contain high levels of acidity, such as tomatillos, in large quantities can cause digestive disorders such as diarrhea or other digestive problems.
  • 3. Elevated Uric Acid: Some studies show that excessive consumption of tomatillos or foods containing oxalic acid can increase uric acid levels in the blood, which may increase the risk of rheumatism or gout attacks in susceptible people.

If a person has specific concerns about consuming tomatillos in their diet, it is important to consult a doctor or nutritionist for appropriate advice based on their individual health condition.

By consuming tomatillos regularly, you can gain these health benefits as well as add variety to your diet by incorporating this delicious and nutritious fruit into your daily cooking.

Tomatillo Culinary

Beautiful Woman With Tomatillos Dishes
Beautiful Woman With Tomatillos Dishes

Serving Tomatillo Fruit

Tomatillos are a versatile food ingredient and can be processed into various delicious dishes. Here are some popular servings of the tomatillo fruit:

  • 1. Salsa Verde: Salsa verde is one of the most famous servings of tomatillos. Tomatillos mixed with garlic, green chiles, cilantro, and lime juice create a distinctive, fresh green sauce. Salsa verde is perfect for serving as a dip for tortilla chips, a topping for tacos, enchiladas, or grilling fish or meat.
  • 2. Tomatillo Guacamole: Tomatillo guacamole is a refreshing variation on traditional guacamole. Pureed tomatoes are mixed with avocado, garlic, shallots, cilantro, and lime juice to create a delicious and flavorful creamy sauce.
  • 3. Enchiladas Filling: Tomatillos can be used as part of the filling for enchiladas along with meat, chicken, or cheese. This filling is often prepared by mixing cooked tomatillos with onions, green chilies, and spices to create a fresh, spicy flavor.
  • 4. Tomatillo Soup: Tomatillos can also be used to make a refreshing soup. Tomatillos are boiled together with other vegetables such as garlic, shallots, and green chilies and then mashed to create a rich, flavorful soup with a refreshing touch of sourness.
  • 5. Tamales Filler: Tomatillos are often used as one of the filling ingredients for tamales, a traditional Mexican dish. Tomatillos are cooked with meat or other vegetables and then wrapped in maiz dough and then steamed. The result is a delicious and appetizing dish.
  • 6. Sauce for Grilled Meat: Tomatillos can also be made into a delicious sauce to serve with grilled meat such as roast beef or grilled chicken. Tomatillos are cooked with onions, green chilies, and spices then pureed into a rich, flavorful sauce perfect for serving grilled meat.

Tomatillos add a fresh, tart touch and unique flavor to a variety of dishes, making them an interesting and versatile ingredient to explore in a variety of cuisines.

Tomatillo Recipe: Taste the Delicious Salsa Verde

Here's a simple recipe for salsa verde using tomatillos:


  • - 450 grams of tomatillos, peeled and washed
  • - 1 large green chili (jalapeno or serrano), coarsely chopped (according to spicy taste)
  • - 1/2 garlic, finely chopped
  • - 1/4 cup onion, finely chopped
  • - 1/4 cup fresh coriander leaves, finely chopped
  • - 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • - Salt and pepper to taste


  • 1. Prepare Tomatillos: Peel the outer skin of the tomatoes and wash them well. Cut the tomatillos into small pieces.
  • 2. Grill Tomatillos: Preheat a grill or grill oven to medium heat. Place the tomatillo halves on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Grill the tomatillos for 8-10 minutes or until the skin begins to change color and is slightly blackened. Remove from the oven and let cool.
  • 3. Blend All Ingredients: In a blender, add the cooled roasted tomatillos, green chiles, garlic, onion, cilantro, and lime juice. Blend until all ingredients are completely mixed and reach the desired salsa consistency. You can adjust the texture according to your taste, whether you want smooth salsa or with a little texture.
  • 4. Taste Correction: After blending, taste the salsa and add salt and pepper to taste according to your taste. You can also add more lime juice if you want a more sour taste.
  • 5. Store and Refrigerate: Transfer the salsa verde to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour to let the flavors of the ingredients blend. Salsa verde will taste even better if refrigerated overnight before serving.
  • 6. Serve: Salsa verde is ready to serve as a side sauce for tortilla chips, tacos, enchiladas, or any other of your favorite dishes. Enjoy the fresh taste of tomatillos and the spiciness of green chilies!

By following this recipe, you can easily make fresh and delicious salsa verde to enjoy with a variety of your favorite dishes. Good luck!

Step by Step How to Plant Tomatillos

Image Illustration A Man Planting Tomatillos
Image Illustration A Man Planting Tomatillos

Here are the stages in growing tomatillos from start to harvest, along with the estimated time required and how to overcome problems that may arise:

1. Soil Preparation and Planting:

  •    - Prepare fertile soil with a pH of around 6.0-7.0.
  •    - Planting can be done from seeds or seedlings. If using seeds, sow the seeds in pots about 6-8 weeks before planting them in the ground. If using seeds, plant the seeds with a distance of about 60 cm between plants.
  •    - Time: Soil preparation and planting can take about 1-2 weeks.

2. Plant Care :

  •    - Give water regularly, avoid being too wet or too dry.
  •    - Give organic fertilizer regularly.
  •    - Clean the weeds that grow around the plants.
  •    - Maintain cleanliness and tidiness around the plants.
  •    - Time: Plant care usually takes about 2-3 months until harvest.

3. Pruning and Seeding:

  •    - Pruning unwanted branches to ensure good growth.
  •    - Seeding can be done if the plants are too dense.
  •    - Time: Pruning and sowing can be done periodically during the plant's growth period.

4. Pest and Disease Management:

  •    - Prevent pest attacks by keeping the environment clean.
  •    - Use organic insecticides or herbal concoctions to control pests such as caterpillars and fleas.
  •    - Watch for signs of disease such as spots on the leaves or unusual wilting. If this occurs, use an appropriate fungicide.
  •    - Also pay attention to pest attacks and diseases that commonly occur in tomatoes or other Solanaceae plants.
  •    - Time: Monitoring and treating pests and diseases needs to be done regularly throughout the growing season.

5. Harvest:

  •    - Tomatillo fruit is usually ready to harvest within 70-100 days after planting.
  •    - Harvest fruit that has reached the desired size, usually green or dark purple depending on the variety.
  •    - Carefully cut the fruit from the stem.
  •    - Time: The harvesting process can take several weeks depending on the number of plants and the size of the harvest.

By following these steps and paying attention to any problems that may arise, you can grow tomatillos successfully.

Conclusion :

With good nutrition, Tomatillos can be used as a friend to your diet. With their distinctive taste, you can serve Tomatillos in various dishes. However, you need to pay attention, always keep limits when consuming everything to avoid some of the effects of consumption that may occur.

Apart from that, cook it in a good way so that all the nutrients in Tomatillos are beneficial for our bodies. Always consult your trusted doctor if you have a certain medical condition.

For those of you who have a large yard, try decorating your yard with this Tomatillos tree.

Hopefully this article is useful, thank you.

Source And Reference :

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