Rhubarb : Lets Explore From Nutrition, Benefit, Effect, culinary Until How to Palnting

Dede Suryono


Rhubarb for your health
Image of Rhubarb

Rhubarb Overview

Rhubarb, which is considered a fruit, is a vegetable that is quite good for our bodies because it has many health benefits. Rhubarb / Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) vegetables are often thought of as fruit because they are often used in cakes and sweet desserts, but actually Rhubarb is a plant with edible stems.

Although Rhubarb has many health benefits, keep in mind that the edible part of the plant is the stem, not the leaves. Rhubarb leaves are high in oxalate and can be toxic if consumed in large quantities. Always make sure to cook Rhubarb stems before consuming to reduce the risk of toxicity.

  • Rhubarb vegetable shape: Rhubarb stems have a long and cylindrical shape, similar to jam sticks with thinner ends. It is usually red or pink on the outside and pale green on the inside. The surface is smooth with a slight grain texture.
  • Rhubarb vegetable color: Rhubarb generally has a bright red or pink color on the outside, especially on parts exposed to direct sunlight. However, the inside tends to be pale green or light pink.
  • Rhubarb vegetable taste: The taste of Rhubarb is a combination of sour and sweet, although it is usually more sour than sweet. The taste can be slightly sharp and fresh, similar to the taste of tart fruits like strawberries or raspberries, but with a different, unique twist.

Keep in mind that Rhubarb is rarely consumed raw because of its sour taste. Typically, Rhubarb is cooked with sugar to make sweet dishes such as pies or sauces to reduce its sour taste.

Nutrition, Benefits and Side Effects Rhubarb

Ilustrasi Reaseach Rhubarb In Laboratory
Ilustrasi Reaseach Rhubarb In Laboratory

Rhubarb Nutrition

  • Water : 93.6 g
  • Energy : 21 kcal - 88 kJ
  • Protein : 0.9 g
  • Total lipid (fat) : 0.2 g
  • Ash : 0.76 g
  • Carbohydrate, by difference : 4.54 g
  • Fiber, total dietary : 1.8 g
  • Total Sugars : 1.1 g
  • Calcium, Ca : 86 mg
  • Iron, Fe : 0.22 mg
  • Magnesium, Mg : 12 mg
  • Phosphorus, P : 14 mg
  • Potassium, K : 288 mg
  • Sodium, Na : 4 mg
  • Zinc, Zn : 0.1 mg
  • Copper, Cu : 0.021 mg
  • Manganese, Mn : 0.196 mg
  • Selenium, Se : 1.1 µg
  • Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid : 8 mg
  • Vitamin A, RAE : 5 µg
  • Vitamin A, IU : 102 IU
  • Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) : 0.27 mg
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone) : 29.3 µg
  • Thiamin : 0.02 mg
  • Riboflavin : 0.03 mg
  • Niacin : 0.3 mg
  • Pantothenic acid : 0.085 mg
  • Vitamin B-6 : 0.024 mg
  • Folate, total : 7 µg
  •  ----Folate, food : 7 µg
  •  ----Folate, DFE : 7 µg
  • Choline, total : 6.1 mg
  •  ---- Carotene, beta : 61 µg
  • Lutein + zeaxanthin : 170 µg

Benefits of Rhubarb Vegetables for Our Body

Here are some of the health benefits of Rhubarb vegetables for our body's health:
  • 1. Nutrient Content: Rhubarb contains a number of important nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, potassium and fiber. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that helps the immune system and skin health.
  • 2. Improves Digestion: The fiber content in Rhubarb  helps improve digestive health. Fiber helps treat constipation by speeding up bowel movements and increasing stool volume.
  • 3. Reduces the risk of heart disease: Fiber also plays a role in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Eating fiber-rich foods such as Rhubarb can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • 4. Maintenance of Bone Health: Rhubarb contains a good amount of calcium for bone health. Calcium is important for maintaining bone density and preventing osteoporosis.
  • 5. Provides Antioxidants: Apart from vitamin C, ruibarba also contains other antioxidant compounds such as flavonoids and anthocyanins. Antioxidants help fight free radicals in the body which can damage cells and cause various diseases.
  • 6. Manages Weight: The high fiber content in Rhubarb can help in weight management. Fiber helps maintain feelings of fullness for longer, thereby reducing the desire to overeat.
  • 7. Supports Eye Health: The vitamin A content in Rhubarb is beneficial for eye health. Vitamin A is important for maintaining healthy retinas and preventing vision problems such as night blindness.

Side Effect Rhubarb

Someone With Special Conditions

A person with certain conditions should be careful or avoid consuming Rhubarb , especially the leaves, because they are high in oxalates, which can cause certain health problems. Some conditions in which one should avoid consuming Rhubarb include:

  • 1. Kidney Stone Sufferers: People who have a history of kidney stones or are prone to kidney stone formation should avoid consuming Rhubarb , especially the leaves which contain high levels of oxalate. Oxalates can crystallize in the kidneys and cause the formation of kidney stones.
  • 2. Digestive Disorders: Individuals with digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colitis, or Crohn's disease may need to limit or avoid consumption of Rhubarb because its crude fiber and oxalic acid can cause irritation to the digestive tract.
  • 3. Allergies: Although rare, some people may experience an allergic reaction to Rhubarb . Those who are allergic to plants in the Polygonaceae family (such as buckwheat or buckwheat) may also react to Rhubarb .

Consuming Excessively of Rhubarb

If a person consumes too much Rhubarb , especially the leaves which contain higher levels of oxalate, they may experience some unwanted side effects, including:

  • 1. Irritation of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Excessive consumption of Rhubarb , especially its leaves, can cause irritation of the stomach and intestines, causing symptoms such as flatulence, cramps, or diarrhea.
  • 2. Oxalate Poisoning: Large amounts of oxalate can produce crystals that damage the kidneys or cause kidney stones in susceptible individuals. Symptoms of oxalate poisoning may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or impaired kidney function.

Therefore, it is important to consume Rhubarb in reasonable quantities and cook it properly to reduce its oxalate levels. If a person has certain health conditions or concerns, it is best to consult a medical professional before adding Rhubarb to their diet.

Rhubarb Culinary

Image Girs With Rhubarb Dish
Image Girs With Rhubarb Dish

Serving Rhubarb Vegetables

Rhubarb can be served in many forms and dishes, both sweet and savory. Here are some common ways to serve Rhubarb:

  • 1. Rhubarb Pie: Rhubarb Pie is the dish most commonly associated with Rhubarb. Rhubarb stalks are cut into pieces and mixed with sugar and other ingredients, then placed on top of the pie dough and baked until cooked. Rhubarb pie is usually served with ice cream or whipped cream.
  • 2. Rhubarb Jam: Rhubarb can also be cooked into a delicious jam. Rhubarb stalks are cut into small pieces, mixed with sugar, and cooked until soft and thick. Rhubarb jam can be enjoyed on toast or as an accompaniment to scones or cakes.
  • 3. Rhubarb Sauce: Rhubarb sauce is usually served as a refreshing dessert sauce. Rhubarb stalks are cut into small pieces and cooked with sugar, then pureed into a smooth sauce. Rhubarb sauce goes well with desserts such as pudding, pie or cake.
  • 4. Rhubarb Pickle: Some people also make Rhubarb pickle, where the Rhubarb stems are cut thinly and soaked in a solution of vinegar, sugar, and spices. Pickled Rhubarb is usually served as an accompaniment to grilled meat dishes or as an addition to sandwiches.
  • 5. Rhubarb Drink: Rhubarb can also be processed into a refreshing drink. For example, Rhubarb can be boiled with sugar to make Rhubarb syrup, which can then be added to hot or cold drinks such as tea or lemonade.
  • 6. Rhubarb Compote: Rhubarb Compote is a drink made from Rhubarb which is boiled with sugar and water until soft. Rhubarb compote can be enjoyed as a refreshing dessert drink or can be added to a smoothie for a tart and sweet taste.
  • 7. Savory Dishes with Rhubarb: Although more common in sweet dishes, Rhubarb can also be used in savory dishes. For example, Rhubarb can be used as an additional ingredient in salads to provide a fresh sour taste or as a sauce for grilled fish.
  • Choices of how to serve Rhubarb vary greatly depending on personal preference and the type of dish you wish to prepare.

Healthy and delicious Rhubarb Smoothie Recipe

Of course, here is one healthy and delicious recipe with Rhubarb: "Rhubarb and Fresh Fruit Smoothie"

  • - 1 stalk Rhubarb, cut into pieces
  • - 1 banana, cut into pieces
  • - 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
  • - 1/2 cup nonfat Greek yogurt
  • - 1/2 cup apple juice without added sweeteners
  • - Honey or other natural sweetener (optional), according to taste
  • - Ice cubes as needed

How to make:
  • 1. Simmer the Rhubarb pieces in a pan with a little water for a few minutes or until the Rhubarb is soft. Once cooked, cool the Rhubarb in cold water and drain.
  • 2. Prepare a blender. Add cooked rhubarb pieces, banana pieces, strawberries, Greek yogurt, and apple juice to a blender.
  • 3. If you want to add a little sweetness, add honey or other natural sweetener to taste.
  • 4. Add enough ice cubes to the blender for a colder and thicker texture.
  • 5. Blend all ingredients until smooth and consistent.
  • 6. Taste the smoothie, and add sweetener if necessary.
  • 7. Pour the smoothie into a serving glass and enjoy immediately.

This Rhubarb and fresh fruit smoothie is rich in nutrients, including fiber from Rhubarb, vitamin C from strawberries, potassium from bananas, and protein from Greek yogurt. This is a refreshing and healthy choice for breakfast or a healthy snack any time.

Rhubarb Cultivation

Woman planting rhubarb tree
Image Woman planting rhubarb tree

Rhubarb is a relatively easy plant to grow, but it requires attention to climate, soil, and potential diseases and pests. The following is an explanation of Rhubarb  cultivation:

Ideal Climate:
Rhubarb thrives in cool to temperate climates. The ideal climate is cold winters and cool summers with daily temperatures between 18°C ​​and 24°C. Rhubarb prefers cool winters with temperatures below 10°C, which helps in inducing plant dormancy or rest.

Planting Period:
  • - Seed Planting: Rhubarb is usually grown from tubers or roots, not seeds. Rhubarb tubers are usually planted in early spring or late autumn.
  • - Plant Separation: If using tubers, Rhubarb plants are usually separated every 5-10 years, because their productivity decreases over time.

Diseases and Pests:
  • - Diseases: Common diseases on ruibarba include root rot, leaf spot, and wilt. This disease is often caused by excessive moisture or soil that is too wet. Disease control can be done by choosing disease-resistant varieties, keeping the soil clean, and avoiding excessive moisture.
  • - Pests: Pests that often attack Rhubarb include earthworms, leafworms and sucking insects. Pest control can be done with regular monitoring and the use of organic insecticides if necessary.

 Leading Countries in Rhubarb Cultivation:
  • - England: England is known as one of the main producers of Rhubarb in the world. The province of Yorkshire in particular is renowned for its production of high quality ruibarba.
  • - Netherlands: The Netherlands is also a significant country in Rhubarb production.
  • - United States: Several states in the United States such as Washington, Oregon, and New York also produce Rhubarb in quite significant quantities.

Rhubarb is an interesting plant to cultivate because it thrives in cool climates and can produce good harvests with proper care.

How to Cultivate Rhubarb

Are you interested in planting rhubarb...? Rhubarb is easy to plant and can be planted in your small garden and doesn't have to be on a large area of ​​land.

The following is step by step how to plant Rhubarb from start to harvest, along with handling if certain problems occur such as disease or pests:

 Stage 1: Soil Preparation
  • 1. Choose the Right Location: Choose a location that is exposed to full or partial sun, with well-draining soil.
  • 2. Prepare the Soil: Loosen the soil to a depth of about 30 cm and remove weeds and small stones.
  • 3. Add Fertilizer: Mix organic fertilizer into the soil to increase fertility.

 Stage 2: Planting
  • 1. Choose Rhubarb Tubers or Roots: Choose healthy Rhubarb tubers or roots from a trusted seller.
  • 2. Plant Tubers or Roots: Plant Rhubarb tubers or roots about 5-7 cm deep in the soil with a distance between plants of about 90 cm.
  • 3. Water the Soil: After planting, water the soil with sufficient water.

 Stage 3: Treatment
  • 1. Plant Care: Keep the Rhubarb plant planting area free of weeds and ensure the soil remains moist but not waterlogged.
  • 2. Fertilization: Apply organic fertilizer every spring to promote plant growth.
  • 3. Pest and Disease Control: Check plants regularly to identify signs of pests or disease. If detected, take control measures such as application of organic insecticides or fungicides as needed.

 Stage 4: Harvesting
  • 1. Wait for the Plant to Mature: Rhubarb can usually be harvested after 2-3 years of cultivation. Make sure the stems are big and thick enough before harvesting.
  • 2. Harvesting Method: Cut the Rhubarb stems from the base with a sharp knife. Avoid damaging the tubers or roots.
  • 3. Periodic Harvesting: Harvest Rhubarb periodically during the summer through early fall to ensure a continuous harvest.

 Constraint Handling:
  • - Diseases and Pests: If plants are affected by diseases or pests, identify the problem carefully and apply appropriate control such as the use of organic insecticides or fungicides.
  • - Drainage Problems: If the soil is too wet and plants are at risk of disease due to poor drainage, consider improving drainage by improving the soil structure or using an additional drainage system.

By caring for your Rhubarb plant regularly and dealing with any problems that may arise, you can enjoy lush harvests from this plant for many years.

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