Pamelo: lets Explore Giant Orange With Many Benefits

Dede Suryono
Pamelo Fruit, benefits nutrients effect culinary cultivation
Image Of Pamelo Fruit

Pamelo Overview

Pamelo, also known as Citrus maxima, is a tropical fruit originating from Southeast Asia. This fruit has several other names, including pomelo, pummelo, or lime. Botanically, pummelo belongs to the Citrus genus and the Rutaceae family.

Typical Characteristics of Pamelo:

Pamelo is large, often larger than a grapefruit. They are round to slightly oval in shape, with thick skin that can be green or yellow when immature, and can turn orange or yellow when ripe. The skin is rough and thick, with white or pink flesh. To distinguish a pomelo that is ripe and ready to eat, pay attention to the skin, which feels heavy for its size and feels firm when pressed.

Taste and Texture of Pamelo :

Pamelo fruit flesh has a sweet taste with a slightly sour taste. The texture is very juicy and juicy, with less noticeable grain than grapefruit. The taste of pomelo can vary slightly depending on the variety, but it is generally refreshing and fun to enjoy as a snack or mixed in a salad.

Pamelo Variety

Here are some popular pamelo varieties and their differences:

1. White Pamelo:

White Pamelo has white to pink flesh. The skin is usually green or yellow when immature, and may turn orange or yellow when ripe. The taste of white pomelo fruit flesh tends to be sweet with a slightly sour taste. The texture is juicy and juicy, with less fiber than grapefruit. White pummelo is often considered the most common and widely available pummelo variety.

2. Red Pamelo:

Red Pamelo has pink to bright red flesh. The skin is usually green or yellow when immature, and turns orange or red when ripe. The taste of red pummelo tends to be sweet with a slightly sour taste, similar to white pummelo. However, red pummelo can have a sweeter taste and stronger aroma.

3. Honey Pamelo :

Honey pomelo, also known as honey pomelo, has very sweet flesh with a taste similar to honey, as the name suggests. The skin is usually green or yellow when immature, and turns yellow or orange when ripe. The texture of the flesh remains juicy, but is usually softer than other pummelo varieties. Honey pomelo is often the choice for those who like very sweet fruit and a distinctive aroma.

Nutrients, Benefits and Side Effect Pamelo (Citrus Maxima) 

Healthy life with Pamelo
Healthy life with Pamelo

Pamelo Nutrients

  • Water : 89.1 g
  • Energy : 38 kcal
  • Energy : 159 kJ
  • Protein : 0.76 g
  • Total lipid (fat) : 0.04 g
  • Ash : 0.48 g
  • Carbohydrate, by difference : 9.62 g
  • Fiber, total dietary : 1 g
  • Calcium, Ca : 4 mg
  • Iron, Fe : 0.11 mg
  • Magnesium, Mg : 6 mg
  • Phosphorus, P : 17 mg
  • Potassium, K : 216 mg
  • Sodium, Na : 1 mg
  • Zinc, Zn : 0.08 mg
  • Copper, Cu : 48 mg
  • Manganese, Mn : 17 mg
  • Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid : 61 mg
  • Thiamin : 34 mg
  • Riboflavin : 27 mg
  • Niacin : 0.22 mg
  • Vitamin B-6 : 36 mgReformasi
  • Cryptoxanthin, beta : 10 µg
  • Vitamin A, IU : 8 IU

Source :

Benefits of Pamelo Oranges for Our Body

1. Contains high levels of Vitamin C

With its high vitamin C content, pamelo oranges can improve our body's health, just like other fruits that contain high levels of vitamin C, such as:

  • Improve skin health
  • Reduces LDL cholesterol levels
  • Maintain the body's immune system
  • Maintain heart health
  • Improve skin health
  • Maintain healthy teeth and gums

2. Improves digestion:

On average, we need around 25 grams of fiber a day. With a fiber content of around 1 gram in every 100 grams of Pamelo fruit, this means that one serving of this fruit can fulfill a quarter of your daily fiber intake (each serving of Pamelo is between 600 ~ 700 grams). Fiber is very important in the digestive process so it can prevent constipation, besides that fiber can increase the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestines.

3. Helps maintain body weight:

This Pamelo fruit has quite low calories, for those of you who want to lose weight, you can consume this Pamelo fruit. With the protein and fiber content in this fruit, it is certainly very suitable for those of you who are on a diet.

4. Good source of antioxidants:

Contains naringenin, naringin and lycopene, where lycopene is the substance that gives the Red Pamelo fruit its red color and is an antioxidant compound. There is even a study entitled "Effect of fruit development stages on antioxidant properties and bioactive compounds in peel, pulp and juice of grapefruit varieties" that Pamelo fruit has natural antioxidants and phytochemicals that can prevent oxidative damage.

5. Reduces the risk of anemia:

Lack of iron intake is one of the main causes of anemia. Anemia itself is a condition where the body lacks healthy red blood cells. Pamelo is an orange that contains high levels of vitamin C and iron, so this fruit can help improve blood health.

6. Helps maintain bone health:

The calcium and magnesium content in this fruit can certainly maintain bone strength and density, so that the risk of osteoporosis can be avoided by consuming this fruit properly and appropriately.

7. Improves eye health:

Pamelo fruit contains sufficient vitamin A for our needs, where vitamin A is very important for maintaining the health of our eyes and can help prevent eye problems such as night blindness and cataracts.

Side Effects Consuming Pamelo

People who should avoid or reduce their consumption of pomelo fruit:

1. Have digestive problems:

  • Ulcer: The high citric acid content in pomelo can worsen ulcer symptoms such as burning, nausea and bloating.
  • GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease):** Pamelo can trigger reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus, worsening symptoms such as heartburn and a sour taste in the mouth.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): The high fiber in pomelo can worsen IBS symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, or constipation in sensitive people.

2. Taking certain medications:

  • Blood pressure lowering drugs: Pamelo may interact with certain blood pressure lowering drugs, increasing their effects and potentially causing hypotension.
  • Statin drugs: Pamelo may increase the absorption of statin drugs, potentially increasing the risk of side effects.
  • Immunosuppressants: Pamelo may interfere with the metabolism of immunosuppressant drugs, potentially reducing their effectiveness.

3. Have certain medical conditions:

  • Kidney disease: The high potassium content in pummelo can be dangerous for people with kidney disease, as it can worsen potassium retention and cause complications.
  • Diabetes : Pamelo has a moderate glycemic index, but excessive consumption can increase blood sugar levels in diabetes sufferers.

Effects of excessive consumption of pomelo:

  • Digestive disorders: As mentioned above, excessive consumption can cause digestive problems such as bloating, diarrhea and nausea.
  • Drug interactions: Pamelo may interact with certain drugs, increasing their effects or interfering with their metabolism.
  • Excess potassium: In people with kidney disease, excessive consumption can cause hyperkalemia, with symptoms such as muscle weakness, nausea, and irregular heart rhythm.
  • Increased blood sugar : For people with diabetes, excessive consumption can increase blood sugar levels and interfere with diabetes control.

 Important to remember:

Consuming pomelo in moderate amounts is generally safe for most people.

Listen to your body: If you experience side effects after consuming pummelo, reduce or stop consumption.

Consult a doctor or nutritionist: If you have a medical condition or are taking medications, consult a doctor or nutritionist to see if pummelo is safe for you.

Moderate amounts of pomelo consumptionvary depending on individual conditions. As a general guide, one serving of pomelo is equivalent to about half a medium pomelo. 

I hope this information is helpful!

Pamelo Fruit Culinary: 

ilustration Eat Pamelo Saladilustration Eat Pamelo Salad

Serving Fresh Delights from Refreshing Tropical Fruit

1. Selectiing And Storing

Tips for selecting and storing Pamelo to keep it fresh and long lasting

As a culinary enthusiast who appreciates the freshness of fruit, choosing and storing pamelo correctly is an important step to enjoying its deliciousness. Here are some tips to pay attention to:

Choosing a Pamelo: 

Choose a pomelo that feels heavy for its size, which indicates a high water content. Choose fruit whose skin looks smooth, without wrinkles or noticeable brown spots. Touch the surface to make sure the skin is firm and dense.

Storing Pamelo

Store pomelo in a cool, dry place, such as in the refrigerator. Cut fruit should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. If uncut, the pummelo can be stored at room temperature for several days, but it is better if stored in the refrigerator to keep it fresh longer.


2. All the delicious preparations from Pamelo

Pamelo is not only delicious to enjoy directly, but can also be processed into various delicious dishes. Here are some processed ideas that you can try:

1. Fruit Salad: 
Slice the flesh of the pomelo fruit and mix it with other fruits such as oranges, grapes and strawberries to make a fresh and healthy fruit salad.
2. Juice or Smoothie: 
Blend the pulp of the pomelo with other fruits, yogurt, and a little honey to make a refreshing juice or smoothie.
3. Fruit Salsa: 
Cut the pulp of the pomelo into small pieces and mix with tomatoes, red onions, chilies and cilantro to make a fresh and flavorful fruit salsa.

4. Ice Cream: 
Add small pieces of pomelo pulp to vanilla or lemon ice cream to give it a unique taste and texture.

3. Simple Recipe: Pamelo Salad

Here is a simple recipe to make fresh and delicious pummelo salad at home:

  • - 1 pomelo
  • - 1 ripe mango, cut into cubes
  • - 1 cucumber, diced
  • - 1/4 cup chopped coriander leaves
  • - 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • - 1 tablespoon honey
  • - Salt to taste
  • - Pepper to taste

How ​​to make :
  • 1. Peel and cut the pomelo flesh into small pieces. Mix with the diced mango and cucumber in a large bowl.
  • 2. In a small bowl, stir together the lime juice, honey, salt, and pepper until evenly mixed.
  • 3. Pour the dressing mixture into the bowl with the fruit, then sprinkle with chopped cilantro. Stir gently until all ingredients are evenly mixed.
  • 4. Cool for a few minutes before serving. Enjoy fresh pummelo salad as a healthy snack or refreshing appetizer.

With tips on choosing, storing and processing it correctly, as well as simple recipes that are easy to follow, you can enjoy delicious pomelo fruit in a variety of fresh and delicious dishes at home. Good luck!

Pamelo Cultivation

illustration of a woman harvesting pomelo fruit
illustration of a woman harvesting pomelo fruit

A Guide to Planting and Harvesting Pomelo (Citrus Maxima) Fruit

Pomelo, also known as Citrus maxima, is a delicious and nutritious fruit that can be easily grown in your garden or backyard. Follow these step-by-step instructions to successfully plant and harvesting pomelo fruit:

Step 1: Choose a Suitable Location

- Pomelo trees thrive in warm, subtropical climates with plenty of sunlight.

- Select a location with well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, as pomelo trees do not tolerate soggy conditions.

- Ensure the planting site has adequate space for the tree to grow, as pomelo trees can reach heights of up to 30 feet (9 meters).

Step 2: Prepare the Soil

- Test the soil pH to ensure it falls within the optimal range of 5.5 to 7.0.

- Amend the soil with organic matter such as compost or aged manure to improve fertility and drainage.

- Remove any weeds or debris from the planting area to prevent competition for nutrients.

Step 3: Planting the Pomelo Tree

- Choose a healthy pomelo tree sapling from a reputable nursery or garden center.

- Dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the tree's root ball.

- Gently remove the tree from its container and place it in the center of the hole.

- Backfill the hole with soil, ensuring the tree is planted at the same depth as it was in the container.

- Water the tree thoroughly to settle the soil and eliminate air pockets.

Step 4: Watering and Fertilizing

- Water the pomelo tree regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.

- Fertilize the tree with a balanced fertilizer formulated for citrus trees, following the manufacturer's instructions.

- Apply fertilizer in the spring and summer months to support healthy growth and fruit development.

Step 5: Pruning and Maintenance

- Prune the pomelo tree annually to remove dead or diseased branches and promote a strong, open canopy.

- Mulch around the base of the tree to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.

- Monitor the tree for pests and diseases, and take appropriate action if any issues arise.

Step 6: Harvesting Pomelo Fruit

- Pomelo fruit typically ripens 6 to 9 months after flowering.

- Harvest ripe fruit by cutting the stem with pruning shears, leaving a short stub attached to the fruit.

- Pomelos can be stored at room temperature for up to a week or refrigerated for longer shelf life.

Time Needed from Planting to Harvesting:

- Pomelo trees typically begin producing fruit 3 to 5 years after planting.

- Once established, a healthy pomelo tree can produce abundant fruit for many years with proper care and maintenance.

By following these steps, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious pomelo fruit from your own backyard orchard. Happy planting!

Pamelo Versus Banpeiyu

Are Pamelo and Banpeiyu the same fruit...? The answer is: Pomelo and Banpeiyu are not the same fruit, even though they both belong to the Citrus maxima species.

Even though they both include grapefruit, pomelo and Banpeiyu have several differences, namely:


  • Pomelo: Originates from Southeast Asia, most likely from South Asia or Southeast Asia.
  • Banpeiyu: Originally from Japan, bred in Kumamoto Prefecture.


  • Pomelo: Generally larger, with a diameter of 15 to 25 cm and a weight of 1 to 2 kg.
  • Banpeiyu: Can be larger than regular pomelo, reaching 30 cm in diameter and weighing 5 kg.


  • Pomelo: Sweet with a slight bitter taste, juicy flesh.
  • Banpeiyu: Sweet with a slightly sour taste, the flesh is denser.


  • Pomelo: Skin is thick and yellowish green in color.
  • Banpeiyu: The skin is thicker and bright yellow.


  • Pomelo: Has many seeds.
  • Banpeiyu: Has fewer seeds than pomelo.


  • Pomelo: Eaten directly, processed into juice, salad, or cooking ingredients.
  • Banpeiyu: Usually eaten directly or processed into juice.


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