Loquat or Biwa: Sweet sour sensation and rich nutrients for health

Dede Suryono
Loquat ar biwa, benefits, nutrients cultivation
Image of Loquat / Biwa

Loquat Fruit Starting from a brief overview, benefits, nutrition, consumption effects to culinary and cultivation we will provide briefly. But first we will provide information about: 8 interesting facts about loquat or loquat fruit.

8 interesting facts about loquat or Biwa fruit:

1. Historically Rich Origins:

Loquat fruit originates from China and has been consumed and grown for thousands of years. Ancient Chinese poets often mentioned this fruit in their poems, showing the importance of the loquat in Chinese culture.

2. Diverse Names:

Loquat fruit is known by various names throughout the world. In China, it is called "pi pa" (pipa), which refers to the shape of the fruit which resembles a pipe musical instrument. In Japan, it is known as "biwa," which is the name of a traditional Japanese musical instrument that looks similar to a loquat fruit.

3. Attractive Decorative Tree:

Apart from consumption, loquat trees are also often planted as ornamental plants because of their shiny green leaves and attractive fruit. Loquat trees can provide a beautiful tropical feel to a garden or yard.

4. Fruits with High Nutrition:

Despite their small size, loquats contain rich nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and E, as well as fiber, potassium, and antioxidants. This makes loquat fruit a healthy and nutritious snack choice.

5. Use in Traditional Medicine:

Loquat fruit has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as an herbal medicine to treat a variety of health problems, including coughs, indigestion, and inflammation.

6. Cultivation Around the World:

Although it originates from China, the loquat fruit has spread throughout the world and grows well in various climates, including Japan, Spain, the United States, and Australia.

7. Fragrant Flowers:

 Before the fruit ripens, the loquat tree produces small, fragrant flowers. These flowers not only add to the aesthetics of the garden, but also attract bees and other insects important for pollination.

8. Alkaloid Content:

Loquat fruit contains small amounts of an alkaloid known as hypogein. Although small amounts and generally harmless, some people may experience allergic reactions to these alkaloids.

Loquat fruit has a rich history, diverse health benefits, and broad cultural appeal. From its unique name to its deliciousness, loquats are an interesting part of the culinary and orchard world.

About of Loquat / Biwa (Eriobotrya japonica)

Short Description:

   Loquat fruit, also known as loquat, originates from China, but has become widespread throughout the world. The scientific classification is Eriobotrya japonica. Other names include Japanese plum, Chinese plum, and pipa.


   Loquat fruit has a round or egg shape with a size of around 3-5 cm. The skin color varies from yellow to orange, depending on the degree of ripeness. The flesh is sweet, with a unique taste, a mixture of grape, apricot and plum. The texture is soft and juicy, with large seeds in the center.

Variety Differences:

   There is a significant difference between edible varieties and those for decoration only. Edible varieties usually have larger, sweeter fruit and have fewer seeds. Meanwhile, varieties that are just for decoration may have smaller fruit, larger seeds, and taste less pleasant to eat straight.

Benefits Effect and Nutrition of Loquat / Biwa (Eriobotrya japonica)

Benefits of loquat For Our Body for Body healthy
Image of Loquat for Our Body health

Health Benefits For Our Body

Loquat fruit has several significant health benefits:

1. Antioxidant Content:

Loquat fruit is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamins C, A, and polyphenols, which help fight free radicals in the body and maintain cell health.

2. Supports the Immune System:

The vitamin C content in loquat helps improve the immune system, keeps the body strong and fights infections.

3. Healthy Skin:

The antioxidants in loquat fruit can help repair skin cell damage caused by exposure to sunlight and other environmental factors, keeping skin healthy and radiant.

4. Provides Dietary Fiber:

Loquat fruit contains dietary fiber which is good for digestion, helps maintain a healthy digestive tract and reduces the risk of constipation.

5. Supports Eye Health: 

The vitamin A content in loquat fruit can help maintain eye health, including protecting the eyes from oxidative damage and maintaining good vision.

6. Supports Heart Health:

The fiber and antioxidants in loquat fruit can help maintain heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure, as well as reducing the risk of heart disease.

Regular consumption of loquat fruit as part of a balanced diet can provide various health benefits for our body.

Effect Consumption Loquat / Biwa

People With Special Conditions

People with the following conditions should probably not consume loquat fruit or limit their consumption:

1. Allergies: People who have allergies to certain fruits, especially members of the Rosaceae family, such as apples, pears, or peaches, may also react to loquats.

2. Gastric Disorders: Individuals with stomach disorders such as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or gastric ulcers may need to limit their consumption of loquat fruit because the acid content can trigger an uncomfortable reaction.

3. Diabetes: Because loquat fruit contains natural sugar, diabetes sufferers need to pay attention to their carbohydrate and sugar intake from fruit, including loquat fruit, to keep blood sugar levels stable.

4. Users of Certain Medications: Individuals taking certain medications may need to pay attention to drug-fruit interactions. Consult a doctor or nutritionist if you take certain medications regularly.

Consuming excessively

Consuming too much loquat fruit can also have side effects, including:

1. Digestive Disorders: Excessive consumption of loquat fruit can cause digestive disorders such as diarrhea or stomach disorders.

2. Weight Gain: Although loquats are low in calories, consuming large amounts of them can contribute to your daily calorie intake and cause weight gain if not balanced with sufficient physical activity.

3. Sugar Content: Loquat fruit contains natural sugar, so consuming it in excess can increase blood sugar levels, especially for individuals with diabetes or insulin resistance.

It is important to consume loquat fruit and other foods in a balanced manner and pay attention to your body's response to consuming the fruit. If you have any medical conditions or concerns, it is always wise to consult a medical professional or nutritionist.

Nutrition Content Loquat / Biwa

Nutrient Content of Loquat Fruit (Eriobotrya japonica) per 100 grams:


  • Calories: 47 kcal
  • Fat: 0.2 grams
  • Protein: 0.43 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 11.8 grams
  • Fiber: 2.6 grams


  • Vitamin C: 5 mg (8% RDA)
  • Potassium: 181 mg (5% RDA)
  • Manganese: 0.1 mg (5% RDA)
  • Copper: 0.04 mg (3% RDA)
  • Vitamin B6: 0.04 mg (2% RDA)
  • Magnesium: 10 mg (2% RDA)

Other Compounds:

  • Antioxidants: Flavonoids, polyphenols, carotenoids
  • Soluble fiber: Penting


Loquat fruit also contains vitamins B1, B2 and folate in small amounts.

The nutritional content of loquats may vary depending on variety, maturity level, and growing conditions.

Regular consumption of loquat fruit can provide various health benefits, such as improving the immune system, improving digestion, and maintaining heart health.

Culinary: Serving Loquat with a Unique Delicacy

Beautiful Girls Drink Juice Loquat
Image Drink Loquat Juice

Loquat fruit, with its sweet taste and soft texture, can be an interesting ingredient for processing into various delicious dishes, from cooking to fresh drinks. Here are some recipe ideas, a step-by-step guide to making loquat juice, and tips for improving the taste and texture of your loquat dishes:

1. Various Recipe Ideas:

  • - Loquat Fruit Salad: Mix loquat fruit pieces with other fruits such as strawberries, kiwi, and grapes. Add a little honey and lime juice for a fresh taste.
  • Loquat Fruit Sauce for Meat: Puree the loquat fruit with a little sugar and lemon juice, then use as a sauce for grilled or grilled meat.
  •    - Loquat Fruit Ice Cream: Mix mashed loquat fruit with vanilla ice cream to create a fresh and unique ice cream.
  •    - Loquat Fruit Jam: Cook the loquat fruit with sugar and a little water until it becomes thick jam. Serve with bread or cake for a delicious snack.

2. Guide to Making Loquat Juice:

   - Ingredients: Ripe loquat fruit, water, ice cubes, sugar or honey (optional).

   - Steps:

  • 1. Clean the loquat fruit and separate the seeds.
  • 2. Puree the loquat fruit in a blender with a little water.
  • 3. Strain the loquat juice to separate the pulp.
  • 4. Add sugar or honey if desired.
  • 5. Serve the loquat juice with ice cubes for maximum freshness.

3. Tips and Tricks:

  •    - Choose Ripe Fruit: Choose loquat fruit that is fully ripe with a bright skin color and is slightly soft when pressed.
  •    - Flavor Combinations: Combine loquats with other ingredients that match the taste and texture, such as yogurt, almonds, or mint, to create a more complex dish.
  •    - Consider Texture: For a more texturally interesting dish, try tossing chunks of fresh loquat into a salad or sauce for extra crunch.

With creativity and experimentation, you can create delicious dishes that take advantage of the unique taste and texture of loquats. Good luck trying and enjoying the deliciousness of loquat fruit in various dishes!

Loquat Fruit Cultivation: Complete Guide to Planting and Care

Image of woman planting Loquat
Image of woman planting Loquat

Loquat fruit, also known as loquat, is a beautiful and productive fruit tree that can be grown in a variety of climates. Planting and caring for loquat trees is not difficult, and with proper care, you can enjoy a harvest of delicious fruit every year. The following is a step by step guide for cultivating loquat fruit:

1. Planting Loquat Trees:

   - You can grow loquat trees from seeds or by grafting. To start from seed, take the seeds from a ripe fruit, wash them thoroughly, and plant them in a pot or directly in the soil after soaking them in water for a few days.

   - For grafting, take a healthy branch from an existing loquat tree and place it in a pot with rich, moist soil. Once the graft grows roots, you can transplant it into permanent soil.

2. Ideal Growing Conditions:

   - Climate: Loquat trees grow best in areas that have a temperate to warm climate, with average temperatures between 15-25°C. They can tolerate slight cold temperatures but cannot withstand prolonged freezing temperatures.

   - Soil: The ideal soil for loquat trees is fertile, loose, and rich in organic matter. Make sure the soil has good drainage to prevent root rot.

   - Sunlight: Loquat trees need full sun exposure to grow and bear fruit well. Choose a location that is open and exposed to direct sunlight for at least 6-8 hours a day.

3. Tips for Caring for Loquat Trees:

  - Watering: During the summer, make sure to water the loquat tree regularly, especially when the soil looks dry. However, avoid overwatering which can cause the roots to rot.

   - Fertilizing: Fertilize regularly, especially during the active growing season, with a fertilizer rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

   - Pruning: Regular pruning is necessary to maintain the shape of the tree, remove dead or damaged branches, and promote healthy fruit growth.

4. Harvesting Loquat Fruit:

   - Loquat fruit is usually ready to harvest in late spring to early summer, depending on the variety and growing conditions. Harvest the fruit when it is fully ripe with bright skin and easily detaches from the stem.

   - Use a sharp knife or pruning shears to cut the fruit carefully without damaging the limbs or branches.

By following these guidelines and providing proper care, you can enjoy a harvest of delicious and healthy loquats every year. Good luck with your loquat cultivation!. 

Reference :






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