Blackthorn: Even though it is small and thorny, it is sweet and has many benefits

Dede Suryono


Image Of Sloe berry ( Blackthorn)
Image Of Sloe berry ( Blackthorn) 

Blackthorn (SloeBerry) Overview

The following is an explanation of Blackthorn Fruit:

1. Physical characteristics of Blackthorn:

   - Stem: Blackthorn has stems that are dark brown to black, with tough, prickly skin.

  •    - Leaves: Blackthorn leaves are serrated oval leaves with a pointed tip. The leaves are dark green on the top and lighter on the bottom.
  •    - Flowers: Blackthorn flowers appear before the leaves, usually in early spring. The flowers are white, small, and have a strong aroma.
  •    - Fruit: Blackthorn fruit, called sloe, is a small blue-black fruit with a wrinkled skin. The fruit has a sour and slightly bitter taste.

2. Scientific Classification and Habitat:

  •    - Scientific Classification: Kingdom: Plantae, Division: Magnoliophyta, Class: Magnoliopsida, Order: Rosales, Family: Rosaceae, Genus: Prunus, Species: P. spinosa.
  •    - Habitat: Blackthorn is generally found in temperate to subtropical climates, especially in Europe, West Asia and North Africa. This plant usually grows in forests, bushes, or forest edges.

3. Differences from other thorny plants:

  •    - Blackthorn has a distinctive fruit, namely sloe, which is different from the fruit of other thorny plants.
  •    - Blackthorn stems tend to be smaller and thornier than some other thorny plants such as duriel (Crataegus).
  •    - Blackthorn leaves have a different shape and structure from other thorny plants, with serrated and oval leaves.

4. History and First Discoveries:

  •    - Blackthorn has been known since prehistoric times, used by humans as a source of food and medicine.
  •    - This plant also has a history in European mythology and folklore, often associated with good luck or courage.
  •    - Blackthorn also had practical uses in making weapons, such as clubs and spears, due to its tough, thorny stems.
  •    - Although there are no definitive records of its first discovery, blackthorn has long been used by humans and is an important part of culture and daily life in many regions.

Nutrients, Benefits And Side Effect Consumption Of Blackthorn. 

Healthy Fruit Sloe berry Tester
Healthy Fruit Sloe berry Tester

Blackthorn Nutrients

Nutrients in Blackthorn Fruit (Prunus spinosa) per 100 grams:


  • Vitamin C: 15.4 mg (26% RDA)
  • Vitamin A: 285 IU (5% RDA)
  • Vitamin E: 0.4 mg (3% RDA)
  • Vitamin K: 10.2 mcg (13% RDA)
  • Vitamin B6: 0.09 mg (5% RDA)
  • Folate: 13 mcg (3% RDA)


  • Potassium: 195 mg (6% RDA)
  • Manganese: 0.3 mg (15% RDA)
  • Phosphorus: 20 mg (3% RDA)
  • Calcium: 25 mg (3% RDA)
  • Magnesium: 10 mg (3% RDA)
  • Iron: 0.4 mg (2% RDA)
  • Zinc: 0.2 mg (1% RDA)

Fiber: 23 grams (9% RDA)

Other Compounds:

  • Anthocyanin: 300 mg
  • Flavonoids: 100 mg
  • Phenolic acid: 200 mg


The above nutritional values ​​may vary slightly depending on blackthorn variety, planting conditions, and processing method.

Benefits Blackthorn for Our Body

Blackthorn fruit has several benefits for our bodies, including:

1. Rich in antioxidants: Blackthorn fruit contains antioxidants such as flavonoids and vitamin C, which help fight free radicals in the body and support cellular health.

2. Improves the immune system: The vitamin C content in blackthorn fruit can help improve the immune system, helping fight infection and disease.

3. Helps digestion: Blackthorn fruit contains dietary fiber which is good for digestion, helps prevent constipation and maintains intestinal health.

4. Supports heart health: The antioxidants in blackthorn berries can help maintain heart health by reducing the risk of heart disease and reducing inflammation.

5. Maintains healthy skin: The content of vitamin C and other antioxidants can help maintain healthy skin, preventing damage due to sun exposure and premature aging.

6. Reduces the risk of diabetes: The fiber in blackthorn berries can help regulate blood sugar levels, thereby helping reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

7. Improves eye health: The content of vitamin C and other antioxidants can help maintain eye health and prevent damage caused by free radicals.

However, as with other foods or drinks, consumption of blackthorn fruit should be in reasonable amounts and as part of a balanced diet.

Side Effects Blackthorn

Someone With Certain Conditions.

A person with the following conditions should probably avoid consuming blackthorn berries or consult a healthcare professional before consuming them in excess:

1. Allergies: Individuals who have allergies to berries or plants in the Rosaceae family, such as plums, cherries, or apricots, may also react to blackthorn berries.

2. Digestive Problems: People who have digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other digestive disorders may experience further irritation if they consume large amounts of blackthorn berries due to their high fiber content.

3. History of kidney stones: People who have a history of kidney stones or are at high risk of developing kidney stones may want to limit their consumption of blackthorn fruit due to the high oxalic acid content in the fruit.

Consuming Excessively.

Side effects of consuming blackthorn berries in excess can include:

1. Stomach irritation: The acid content in blackthorn fruit can cause stomach irritation, especially if consumed in large quantities or in highly acidic forms such as in undiluted drinks or sauces.

2. Diarrhea: Excessive consumption of blackthorn berries, especially if not used to high fiber, can cause diarrhea or other digestive disorders.

3. Tooth damage: The acid content in blackthorn fruit can also damage tooth enamel if consumed excessively or regularly without good dental hygiene.

It is always best to consume blackthorn fruit wisely, according to individual needs and tolerance, and consult a health professional if you have any concerns or health conditions.

Blackthorn Culinary

Image of Healthy Smoothie Blackthorn
Image of Healthy Smoothie Blackthorn

Sloe Berry (Blackthorn) Smoothie

One of the healthy and delicious recipes using blackthorn fruit is "Sloe Berry Smoothie". Here is the recipe:


  • - 1/2 cup frozen blackthorn (sloe) fruit
  • - 1 ripe banana, cut into pieces
  • - 1/2 cup fresh spinach
  • - 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • - 1/2 cup almond milk or milk of your choice
  • - 1 tablespoon honey or other sweetener (optional)
  • - Enough ice cubes (optional)

How to make:

  • 1. First, make sure the blackthorn fruit (sloe) has been frozen beforehand.
  • 2. Combine all ingredients in a blender: frozen blackthorn berries, banana chunks, fresh spinach, Greek yogurt, almond milk, and honey if using.
  • 3. Blend all ingredients until smooth and consistent.
  • 4. If desired, add ice cubes to the blender and blend again until the ice cubes are crushed and the smoothie is cold.
  • 5. Pour the smoothie into serving glasses and serve immediately.

This smoothie is a delicious way to enjoy the health benefits of blackthorn fruit while adding nutrients from banana, spinach, yogurt and almond milk. Enjoy!

Blackthorn Cultivation

Ilustration image Planting Sloe berry
Ilustration image Planting Sloe berry 

How to Cultivate Blackthorn (Sloewberry)

The following are the stages of cultivating Blackthorn (Sloe) from planting to harvesting:

1. Site Selection and Soil Preparation:

   - Choose a location that is exposed to full or half day sunlight.

   - The soil must be loose, rich in organic matter, and have good drainage.

2. Seed Selection:

   - Choose quality Blackthorn seeds from trusted sellers.

3. Planting:

   - Make a hole in the prepared soil with a depth of around 50 cm and a width of 60 cm.

   - Place the Blackthorn seedling in the hole and fill it with soil.

   - Make sure the soil around the seeds is solid and provide enough water.

4. Plant Care:

   - Provide water regularly, especially during the dry season.

   - Use organic mulch to maintain soil moisture and reduce weed growth.

   - Regular fertilization with organic fertilizer.

5. Pruning :

   - Carry out pruning to shape the structure of the tree and stimulate the growth of new shoots.

   - Pruning is usually done in the fall after harvest or in early spring before active growth begins.

6. Pest and Disease Control :

   - Common pests that attack Blackthorn include leafworms, mites, and aphids. Using organic insecticides or natural pest control can help.

   - A common disease is rust, which can be treated with the use of recommended fungicides.

7. Harvesting :

   - Blackthorn fruit, known as Sloe, is usually harvested in autumn after it turns dark in color.

   - Harvest fruit carefully to avoid damaging the plant.

The time required for harvest usually depends on local climatic conditions and plant culture. Pests and diseases can vary depending on location and environment, but timely control and selection of disease-resistant varieties can help keep plants healthy.


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