Benefits of Annona Fruit for Health.

Dede Suryono


Benefits of Annona fruit for your health and information Nutriotion end effect consumtion
Image Of Annona Fruit

12 Benefits of Annona Fruit for Health.

Annona fruit is oval in shape and measures 6-10 cm. The skin of the fruit is thick and has a conical shape. The flesh of the fruit is aromatic and tastes sweet. Annona fruit has various health benefits, namely:

1. Healthy hair and skin :

Annona fruit contains antioxidants which function to rebuild tissue, protect cell structure, soften the skin, and brighten the skin. Quoting from, Antioxidants can prevent free radicals in the body. Free radicals can be caused by pollution and unhealthy lifestyles. Free radicals have an impact on the abnormal growth of cancer cells and even signs of aging on the skin. The vitamins and proteins in srikaya fruit can prevent signs of aging. Vitamins will work to help collagen grow, making ligaments, tendons and muscles strong. Apart from that, vitamins can make hair tissue strong. Vitamin C can treat hair loss and dandruff.

2. Improves mood :

Annona fruit contains high levels of vitamin B6. Launching from the page, 160 grams of fruit or 1 cup of fruit contains 4% of daily intake (RDI). Vitamin B6 plays an important role in creating neurotransmitters, including the hormones serotonin and dopamine. These two hormones help regulate mood. The hormone serotonin is a hormone that can improve your mood to stay happy and positive. The hormone serotonin acts as a neurotransmitter, namely transmitting signals and nerve networks. Meanwhile, the hormone dopamine is a chemical compound in the brain that plays a role in conveying stimulation throughout the body. This hormone affects human activities such as memory and body movements.

3. Eye health :

Annona contains antioxidants to maintain eye health and fight free radicals. Research links high lutein intake to eye health. This lutein intake protects eye health and prevents cataracts, blurred eyes and vision loss. A total of 8 studies found that high lutein levels in the blood had a 27% lower risk of cataracts, when compared with people who had low lutein levels.

4. Maintain blood pressure :

Annona contains nutrients such as potassium and magnesium which help regulate blood pressure. In a cup (160 grams) srikaya offers 10% potassium and 6% magnesium. This content is useful in increasing the dilation of blood vessels and helping lower blood pressure. High blood pressure risks causing heart disease and stroke. Consuming Annona fruit can help you lower blood pressure.

5. Facilitates digestion :

One cup of 160 grams of Annona offers 17% of the body's fiber needs. This fiber cannot be digested or absorbed but helps move waste in the intestines. Fiber helps bowel movements and the growth of good bacteria in the intestines. Foods that contain high fiber can improve digestion and stomach health.

6. Maintain respiratory health :

Annona contains vitamin B6 which offers anti-inflammatory properties. The vitamin B6 content can overcome respiratory problems related to inflamed bronchitis. Vitamin B6 helps reduce inflammation in the body. This fruit contains antioxidants that help fight infections and respiratory problems. Srikaya is recommended for consumption by patients who have asthma and bronchitis.

7. Lower cholesterol :

Cholesterol is a substance produced naturally by the liver. Cholesterol is also found in animal products such as meat and milk. Cholesterol disease occurs because the levels of bad fats are higher. Niacin in annona fruit can reduce bad cholesterol levels by up to 20%. Apart from that, the niacin content can also increase levels of good cholesterol which lines the arteries and smooth layers, as a result of which the heart pumps blood and oxygen.

8. Prevent heart disease :

The magnesium in annona grains plays a role in relaxing the heart muscle. High pressure can trigger the heart to work harder than before. Magnesium is able to help balance pressure and excessive work on the heart, as a result the muscles are more relaxed and not tired. Annona grains provide 10% of the daily requirement of magnesium. Srikaya can reduce blood pressure and the risk of heart attacks.

9. Treat diabetes :

Annona contains fiber which can slow the release of insulin in the body, in response to sugar intake. Srikaya fruit is suitable for diabetic patients because it helps balance glucose and insulin.

10. Prevent arthritis :

Arthritis is a disease that occurs due to inflammation in the joints. This disease can cause impaired joint function, as a result causing swelling and inflammation in the area around the joint. Recent research has found that annona contains anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce inflammation in the joints, intestines and cardiovascular system.

11. Safe for consumption by pregnant women :

The folic acid in annona is good for pregnancy and prevents defects in the fetus. Quoting from, annona contains folic acid which can prevent miscarriage. Apart from annona, papaya and avocado contain folic acid which is good to consume when pregnant.

12. Prevents rheumatic pain :

Boiled water from annona leaves can treat rheumatic pain. Boiled water can reduce pain and remove acid. Meanwhile, the grain part is useful for balancing electrolyte fluids and preventing inflammation.

EXCEPTION : Effects Consumption of Annona Fruit

There are several conditions or situations where a person should consider not consuming this fruit:

1. Allergies:

If someone is allergic to certain fruits, including annona, then they should avoid that fruit.

2. Digestive problems:

Some people with certain digestive problems such as gastric disease or indigestion may feel uncomfortable after consuming annona fruit. This could be caused by the high fiber content in this fruit.

3. Drug interactions:

In some cases, annona fruit can interact with certain drugs, such as antihypertensive drugs. If someone is taking medication, they should consult their doctor to ensure there are no dangerous drug interactions.

4. Certain medical conditions:

Individuals with certain medical conditions such as diabetes may need to limit their consumption of annona fruit due to the high natural sugar content in this fruit.

It is important to remember that reactions to foods can vary between individuals. If someone has specific concerns about consuming sugar apples or has a medical condition that affects their diet, they should consult a doctor or nutritionist for more specific advice.

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