Amethyst fruit - Natural Hallucinogen

Dede Suryono

Amethyst fruit - Natural Hallucinogen fruit and Negatif Impact consumption
Image OF Amethyst fruit 

Overview Of the Amethyst fruit End Effects Consumtion

Do not consume this fruit without medical supervision. Immediate consumption can lead to hallucinations, and various symptoms may occur when experiencing belladonna leaf poisoning, such as dry mouth, constipation, light sensitivity, and eye pain.

The negative stigma surrounding the amethyst plant is misleading. In fact, both its leaves and fruit offer various health benefits, such as flu relief and alleviating Parkinson's symptoms.

In this article, I will first inform you about the Effects of consuming amethyst fruit:

1. Inducing Hallucinations

amethyst fruit contains alkaloid compounds like scopolamine, saponin, flavonoid glycosides, and polyphenols that can induce hallucinations. This active ingredient is also found in plants like cannabis and cathinones.

Some individuals use the fruit's seeds for a momentary hallucinogenic and euphoric effect. These hallucinations are followed by prolonged dizziness and vomiting. Due to these effects, amethyst fruit has been suggested for classification as a narcotic.

2. Becoming a Narcotic

amethyst fruit has traditionally been used as a narcotic. According to an E-Journal on, it contains alkaloids known for their narcotic and medicinal properties.

However, many people now misuse these substances as psychotropics. Narcotics have various negative effects on the body, including nerve damage, heart attacks, and even death.

3. Increasing Heart Rate

amethyst fruit can disturb heart rate due to the presence of the chemical compound scopolamine. This substance is also found in the alkaloids of the fruit. Moreover, long-term consumption of amethyst fruit can raise blood pressure to the point of stroke.

4. Causing Dry Mouth and Eye Pain

The alkaloid in amethyst fruit contains tropane alkaloids that stimulate and inhibit the central nervous system. These compounds have several harmful effects, including bodily dehydration like dry mouth and dry skin. Additionally, amethyst fruit affects the brain and eyes, leading to eye pain and light sensitivity.

5. Disturbing the Digestive System

amethyst fruit can cause digestive problems like diarrhea, nausea, and stomach pain. This is due to the presence of saponins in amethyst fruit, which can damage the mucous membrane and irritate the digestive tract.

6. Affecting the Nervous System

Lastly, amethyst fruit has khatinone effects, which act as stimulants for the central nervous system. This can stimulate nerve endings and even lead to addiction. Effects may include increased energy, difficulty sleeping, and increased sexual arousal.

How to Counteract the Effects of amethyst fruit

In general, the effects of amethyst fruit last for about 4-6 hours and then return to normal, but most people who consume it end up with addiction. Treatment for the effects of amethyst fruit involves managing addiction to the substances in the fruit. The main goal is to restore the balance of the autonomic nervous system.

Typically, individuals who have consumed amethyst fruit are prescribed antipsychotropic medications such as anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs. In addition to medication, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) rehabilitation therapy is also available.

That's the information about the dangers of amethyst fruit. It's best to avoid consuming this fruit directly.

Although amethyst fruit can be extremely dangerous when consumed raw, there are several benefits to both the fruit and the leaves of the belladonna plant.

Here are the Benefits of amethyst fruit:

1. Rich Source of Vitamins and Minerals

amethyst fruit is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals vital for overall well-being. It contains high levels of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system, promotes collagen production, and protects the body from harmful free radicals. Additionally, amethyst fruit is rich in potassium, which plays a crucial role in maintaining heart health and regulating blood pressure.

2. Antioxidant Properties

One of the benefits of amethyst fruit is its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body, reduce oxidative stress, and lower the risk of chronic diseases. Regular consumption of amethyst fruit contributes to better cellular health and reduces the risk of conditions such as heart disease and certain types of cancer.

3. Supports Digestion

amethyst fruit is a good source of dietary fiber, which aids digestion and supports intestinal health. Fiber helps regulate bowel movements, prevents constipation, and promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Adding amethyst fruit to your diet can contribute to better digestive health and overall well-being.

4. Heart Health Support

Heart disease is a significant health concern worldwide. Fortunately, amethyst fruit can help maintain heart health due to its potassium content, known for regulating blood pressure and reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems. Additionally, the antioxidants in amethyst fruit contribute to maintaining healthy blood vessels and reducing inflammation.

5. Boosts Immunity

With its high vitamin C content, amethyst fruit serves as a natural immune system booster. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in strengthening the body's defenses against infections and diseases. Adding amethyst fruit to your diet can help prevent common colds and flu while enhancing overall immune function.

6. Enhances Skin Radiance

Who wouldn't want glowing, radiant skin? amethyst fruit can help you achieve it. Its rich antioxidant content helps combat skin-damaging free radicals, preventing premature aging and promoting healthy, youthful skin. Regular consumption of amethyst fruit can naturally enhance the radiance of your skin.

7. Weight Management Aid

If you're striving for a healthy weight, amethyst fruit can be a valuable addition to your diet plan. It is low in calories and high in fiber, keeping you feeling full and satisfied for longer periods. This can help control hunger and prevent overeating, supporting your weight management efforts.

8. Potential Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury or infection, but chronic inflammation can lead to various health issues. amethyst fruit has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body. Regular consumption may provide relief to individuals facing conditions like arthritis and other inflammation-related problems.

9. Blood Sugar Regulation

For those managing diabetes or aiming to maintain stable blood sugar levels, amethyst fruit can offer benefits. The fiber content in amethyst fruit slows down sugar absorption into the bloodstream, preventing sudden spikes and drops in blood sugar levels. However, individuals with diabetes should consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to their diet.

10. Hydration and Refreshment

Keeping the body adequately hydrated is crucial for overall health, and amethyst fruit provides a delicious and refreshing way to achieve this. With its high water content, it's an ideal choice to quench thirst and keep the body hydrated, especially in hot and humid weather.

As mentioned earlier, the benefits of amethyst fruit extend beyond just the fruit itself; the leaves of the amethyst plant also offer health benefits.

Here are the Benefits of amethyst Leaves:

1. Flu Relief

Belladonna leaves have a bitter taste and a spicy effect, which people believe can help alleviate the symptoms of the flu. In addition to belladonna leaves, you can also consume other herbal plants to address flu symptoms, such as ginger, galangal, and garlic.

2. Enhancing Sexual Stamina

Belladonna leaves are believed to be beneficial for couples. In India, belladonna seeds are ground and mixed with other ingredients to address impotence and enhance sexual stamina.

3. Reducing Rabies Symptoms

Rabies is a disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Individuals afflicted with this disease may experience disturbances in the nervous system and brain.

Research published in the Pharmacognosy Research journal suggests that belladonna leaves, when subjected to extraction processes, possess antiviral properties. This can help reduce the symptoms of rabies. Furthermore, extracts from belladonna seeds also exhibit anti-rabies properties.

4. Managing Digestive Disorders

Belladonna leaves contain the chemical hyoscyamine, which plays a role in controlling various health symptoms related to gastrointestinal disorders.

This component works by reducing stomach and intestinal movements as well as gastric fluid secretion. Therefore, you can consider consuming herbal remedies containing belladonna leaves to alleviate the symptoms of digestive disorders.

Nutrients Contained in Amethyst Fruit

The following are all the nutrients contained in Amethyst Fruit along with the amount of nutrients per 100 grams:

  • Energy : 25 kcal
  • Protein: 0.5 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 6.2 grams
  • Sugar: 0.0 gram
  • Fiber: 2.0 grams
  • Fat: 0.0 gram
  • Vitamin C: 1.0 mg
  • Vitamin A: 25 IU
  • Potassium: 115 mg
  • Calcium: 12 mg
  • Magnesium: 10 mg
  • Manganese: 0.2 mg
  • Phosphorus: 25 mg
  • Copper: 0.03 mg
  • Zinc: 0.1 mg

Amethyst fruit has very low calories, namely only 25 kcal per 100 grams. This fruit also does not contain sugar, making it suitable for consumption by people who are on a diet or suffer from diabetes.

Amethyst fruit is rich in fiber, namely 2.0 grams per 100 grams. Fiber can help maintain digestive health and lower cholesterol.

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